Saturday, January 31, 2015

Amazing Customer Service?? Of course we have it!

    At April Schaffroth's Farmers Insurance Agency; we promise you will LOVE the customer service from our agency because our agency LOVES our customers!

    Along with our competitive rates; we offer a Professional (& pretty) staff, Hot Coffee, Friendly Annual Reviews, Balloons/Gift Baskets and so much more.  As the Insurance Dialogue states on new the focus of Insurance Industry: 
    The Insurance Industry Adapts to the New Age of Customer Experience
    As featured in the American Bankers and Insurance Association September Newsletter
    The insurance industry has discovered in today's multi-tasking, multi-device world, customers want to resolve their issues on the go, via their mobile or tablet device, and in between text messages. As a result, this industry has evolved its business models to ensure a high-touch, interactive and engaging customer experience.
    Consumer Research
    An increasing number of consumers are using social media to research their buying decision and insurance is no different. When deciding what insurance carrier to go with, what policy is best, and whether to purchase through a broker or an agency, consumers will turn to the internet and social media channels to do their research. They will leverage complaint forums, consumer review sites, read blog posts, and most importantly ask for recommendations from their Facebook friends. At the end of the day, consumers trust peer recommendations more than they trust advertisements.                                     Purchasing Process
    Traditionally, brokers and agents market to a defined geographic territory around their brick and mortar office because consumers preferred buying insurance from someone they knew and trusted.  Well, thanks to social media, agents and brokers have expanded their target market by building relationships with consumers online. Many of these relationships have been created through peer recommendations via social networks. When a consumer is in the market for insurance, the first thing they do is research the carrier online by reading reviews or asking their social network. Next they will fill out a couple quotes. 
    Lesson Learned
    Make sure your website is "socially enabled" with the ability to share, re-tweet, post, or email links to a friend. This is because if friends and family are aware that you're in the market for insurance and they have used your firm in the past, the likelihood of them sharing will be high. Lastly, include all social media addresses on business cards and email signatures; don't assume e-mail is for everyone!                                  Service
    Every moment of hold time, hunt and search time and frustration will put customer loyalty to the test. Today's smartphone customers expect on-demand access to phone, web, apps, social media and video. 

    Social Media
    ·  Let policyholders know about catastrophic events or weather approaching, while directing them to help services
    · Create and share holiday cards with social media contacts
    ·   Create boards for each line of business on Pinterest, then pin pictures and articles about the topic, such as tips on taking care of a boat, great places for motorcycle rides
    ·  Hosting a live Twitter chats to answer insurance related questions
    ·  When customers are shopping for a car, provide them with crash test ratings and vehicle recall info or allowing them to compare insurance costs by scanning 2 or more VINs
    ·  Change life beneficiaries
    · Provide an accident guide checklist

    Give April Schaffroth's Agency a call today at 602-297-5155 to review your coverages!

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