Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March Madness...Is your bracket already broken? Call our winning Insurance Agency Today

    March Madness...Is your bracket already broken?? If you are like most people; it probably is!!  

                                          If your insurance company isn't in the winning bracket then call April Schaffroth Farmers Insurance to join our Championship team.                                                                                                                                        How do you know if you have the best insurance company?             The resource of www.dmv.org has a few suggestions to make  sure you join a winning team of Insurance companies. 
    • Know What You Want

      Understand what coverages and amenities you’re looking for in a car insurance company. Are you solely looking for cheap auto insurance? How might choosing the cheapest option affect your actual coverage? What about customer service—that’s important, too, right?
      Know your priorities before you begin looking to buy car insurance. Ideally, you’ll want a company that offers great coverage at an affordable price from customer service-oriented agents

      Remember, comparing car insurance quotes is never just about what’s cheapest.

    Call us today at 602-297-5155 and join our winning insurance agency! 

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