Tuesday, November 11, 2014

It depends on what is hiding in your insurance policy!!

Did you know... that jewelry, artwork, firearms and silverware have just a limited dollar amount that is given if it heaven forbid it were stolen??

As a Homeowner or Renter; it is up to you to make sure and notify your current insurance company to get a "Personal Floater" and make sure your property is properly protected.
Northsound Insurance discussed Personal Floaters and asked:  
Why do you need to know about Personal Property Floater?
It is not necessary to give your insurance company a complete list of every valuable thing you own. Your Homeowners insurance covers many of these items under the content part of your policy. 

When would a Personal Property Floater be needed?

The protection provided for personal property under the typical Homeowners policy is very broad, and includes coverage for your furniture, clothing, and appliances. In addition, it provides limited coverage for such items as jewelry, silverware, furs, and firearms. However, it may not cover some types of loss that may be important to you, such as the stone falling out of your diamond ring, your antique statue that is accidentally broken, or a flood that damages your personal computer. In fact, most homeowners policies set dollar limits on the amount of protection offered to cover the theft of items such as jewelry or furs ( usually only up to $1,000), firearms (up to $2,000), or silverware (up to $2,500). Optional add-on coverage to the homeowners is available to enhance coverage by providing higher amounts and expanded protection for special property. This usually provides most homeowners with enough coverage.

However, if you own extremely Personal Property Floater, this still may not be enough coverage. For example, if you own a diamond ring valued over $10,000 or a collection of fine arts valued over $50,000, you need more protection and should consider buying a Personal Property Floater.

Please call our April Schaffroth Farmers Insurance Agency at 602-297-5155 to make sure your special items have the right coverage. Especially if you have the HOPE diamond in your jewelry box we'd love to help you and/or borrow it to wear for our next party!


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