Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The most important gift to your family.... Life Insurance

The perfect gift comes in many sized packages but not always from Santa Claus. 

THE most important gift to your family and loved ones is Life Insurance.

Joe Lucey from marketwatch.com; shares some tips:

Hot holiday gift: 5 reasons to buy life insurance

Life Insurance should be a trendy gift this holiday season.
Black Friday often creates "must haves," such as Cabbage Patch Dolls, Beanie Babies, or Tickle Me Elmo. No doubt, this year will prove no different. But as you’re checking your list, and checking it twice, pause for a moment and realize that maybe the greatest gift for your financial health could be missed by an oversight. While often ignored, a life insurance policy should be poised to make a comeback and become a favorite for retirees this holiday season.

So before your turkey tryptophan high wears off, here are five reasons to consider adding life insurance to your year-end holiday list:

1) Door buster pricing.
Current premiums offered on life insurance policies issued this year will be lower for most families compared to waiting until next year. Increased premiums are scheduled, effecting many new policies issued with "No-Lapse" guarantees as the affects of new regulations and low interest rates will increase the costs for most carriers.

2) Tax-free assets are more valuable in periods of rising taxation.
Life insurance may very well be the single biggest benefit in the IRS rules to plan for higher taxes. Our national economy is broke and focusing on the potential levels of future tax rate increases makes life insurance even more attractive.
Too many retirees look at life insurance as a financial tool only to be used after death. Contrarily, permanent life insurance is often designed to offer tax-free savings which can be used during the life of the insured as well. Taxes from retirement accounts both during your lifetime, and after your passing, are likely the largest expense of many retirees. Now is a good time to take advantage of the current low-tax environment.

3) Estate taxes are likely returning for the middle class and could make life insurance trendy again.
Some can hope that fiscal cliff predictions are over stated; but, it is unlikely that a congressional compromise will keep all the current tax rates intact for everyone. I'm betting, that the current $5.12 million estate tax exclusion will soon meet the same demise as 1980s leg warmers and disappear into extinction.
This predicament offers what may be the last great wealth transfer opportunity of our generation. If not addressed by year-end, many retirees, who for the last decade have been able to avoid planning for death taxes, will find themselves exposed. Life insurance dollars offer leveraged benefits which can be used to provide enough liquid assets to cover the estate taxes due.

4) Your spouse will likely need income replacement should you not make it home tomorrow.
You or your spouse's death will result in a loss of a social security check and often a reduction in pension payments for the survivor. Create a spousal income continuation plan which is protected from market volatility by using life insurance.

5) Newer policies can protect your family from longevity.
Many retirees underestimate financial concerns with living too long and the effects of long-term care expenses on an otherwise well designed retirement plan. Long-term care expenses routinely exceed $10,000 per month. Often we hear that families are "self-insured" with retirement assets which can be liquidated to supplement additional health-care expenses. Consider the tax consequences of taking these kinds of funds from a retirement account. Also, consider the potential depletion should the market not cooperate while these expenses are needed. Many life insurance companies have policies which will provide premature liquidity from the death benefits for additional long-term care needs which can greatly reduce the stress on a portfolio, and the family.
A true wealth management approach encompasses tax, income, and estate planning in coordination with investments and insurance advice to provide solid benefits and allow families the ability to retire in confidence. A retiree should demand more from financial professionals than mere investment decisions which focus solely on which stock, bond, mutual fund, REIT, or annuity you should purchase. Demand a comprehensive planning approach from your advisers.
If you are deciding whether you should take a new look at life insurance this year, you may want to hurry up. Like most holiday sales, the price of insurance will be higher after the year’s end!

Jingle all the way to April Schaffroth's Farmers Insurance Agency at 602-297-5155 to finish your holiday shopping.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Families need a Will not a Bill

    Don't let time run out!!! 
    If you or your loved one passed away yesterday; would all of the important things in your L.I.F.E. be covered?

    Loans, Income Replacement, Final Expenses, Education?
As lifehappens.org mentions: It’s a subject no one really wants to think about. But if someone depends on you financially, it’s one you cannot avoid. In the event of a tragedy, life insurance proceeds can:

  • Pay for funeral costs
  • Help pay the bills and meet ongoing living expenses
  • Pay off outstanding debt, including credit cards and the mortgage
  • Continue a family business
  • Finance future needs like your children’s education
  • Protect a spouse’s retirement plans 

In our Agency we focus on offering life insurance to all our clients and informing them of their options. Most clients I speak with have never had anyone approach them about life insurance.  Even most Business Owners I work with do not have a Business Continuation plan for themselves in case something were to happen to them or even their key employee.

There are many types of life insurance, but at the bottom line they are all the same; they pay cash to your family after you die allowing them to remain financially secure.  One of the most important facts about life insurance is the death benefit is almost never subject to federal income taxes.

There are many kinds of life insurance, but they generally fall into two categories: term insurance and permanent insurance.

Term insurance, the most affordable type of insurance when initially purchased, is designed to meet temporary needs. It provides protection for a specific period of time (the “term”) and generally pays a benefit only if you die during that term. This type of insurance often makes sense when you have a need for coverage that will disappear at a specific point in time. For instance, you may decide that you only need coverage until your children graduate from college or a particular debt is paid off, such as your mortgage.

Permanent insurance, by contrast, provides lifelong protection. As long as you pay the premiums and no loans, withdrawals, or surrenders are taken, the full amount will be paid. Because it is designed to last a lifetime, permanent life insurance accumulates cash value and is priced for you to keep it over a long period of time. It’s impossible to say which type of life insurance is better because the kind of coverage that’s right for you depends on your unique circumstances and financial goals. Often, a combination of term and permanent insurance is the right solution.
    Regardless of your reason to buy life insurance; do it today! Call us at April Schaffroth Farmers Insurance 602-297-5155 to get started.
    It's better to leave behind a WILL than a BILL

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

April Schaffroth's Farmers Insurance Agency = 5 Times the FUN!

Is this covered?? Well...you aren't seeing double but you are seeing both the April Schaffroth and Stephanie Schaffroth Agency. 

When you come to our office you get TWO times the Agents and FIVE times the fun!

As identical twins we know how to share. As Farmers Insurance Agency Owners we are lucky to share our wonderful team with a combined 96 years of Farmers experience and can handle ALL of your insurance needs. We have a team of 5 extremely talented and seasoned Farmers Insurance professionals that have backgrounds in Customer Service, Business Insurance, Life Insurance and so much more.

We believe in the insurance industry that customer service can make all the difference in your experience with your insurance company.  Our Farmers Insurance Agency prides ourselves on our customer service and we go the extra mile for each and every client. Customer service can be defined as: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase. According to Turban et al. (2002),[1] "Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction – that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation."
The importance of customer service may vary by product or service, industry and customer. Customer service can also refer to the culture of the organization - the priority the organization assigns to customer service relative to other components, such as product innovation or low price. In this sense, an organization that values good customer service may spend more money in training employees than average organization, or proactively interview customers for feedback.

    Please call: April Schaffroth's Farmers Insurance Agency at 602-297-5155 today and let the fun begin!