Thursday, April 24, 2014

Weight Loss Lowers the Cost of Life Insurance

There are hundreds of medical and health benefits of maintaining a healthy weight.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 69.2% of Americans are currently overweight or obese.  The severe comorbidities associated with obesity such as type II diabetes, sleep apnea, and high blood pressure are some of the most dangerous threats to health and life possible.  This is the reason that someone with a poor health evaluation will have increased cost or denial for their life insurance.  April Schaffroth, one of the top life insurance agents in Arizona, says, "It's uncomfortable for most of us to talk about, but things in someone's life that make them more likely to die, like obesity, cause life insurance rates to go up or to be denied all together.  When one of my clients has recently improved their health dramatically, their face lights up when I tell them how much they're going to be saving on their [life] insurance.  If you get into shape, call your life insurance agent for an updated physical even before you shop for a new wardrobe!"

The psychological and medical benefits of weight loss are well documented but few are aware of the financial benefits it provides.  When an individual goes from being obese to a healthy weight, his cost of life insurance drops dramatically.  There is good reason that life insurance premiums drop with weight loss.  A 2009 study from the University of Oxford, showed that even moderate obesity reduces life expectancy and severe obesity takes 10 years off a person’s life which is statistically the same as a lifetime of smoking, the study found. 
An amazing example of how getting into shape can lower insurance rates is Terrence Young. Terrence is a client of April Schaffroth Farmers Insurance Agency which specializes in reducing insurance rates for those that have recently improved their lifestyle.  For years he had been denied for life insurance because he was overweight and suffered from hypertension. 
Terrence recently elaborated on his fitness success with the team at April Schaffroth’s Farmers Agency: 
“In my wildest dreams, I never envisioned myself in this place. When I started this journey last year, I was only trying to drop 10 lbs. just to get myself to 200 lbs. When I got to 28lbs, I thought to myself, there may be something to all this healthy eating and exercise. Today I am writing another chapter in this book we call life. I've lost 46 lbs. in less than a year and I'm competing in my first physique competition. I went from having super high blood pressure to having it almost nonexistent. Never ever doubt yourself and your ability to change your life to the way you want it. If you have naysayers, smile and prove them wrong, it's just life...just your life. Enhance it every chance you get!”                                                                                           

The testimony of Terrence Youngis motivation for anyone that is struggling with their weight.  The health improvements of Terrence helped him get the  lowest life insurance rates in Arizona from the April Schaffroth Farmers Agency.  For more information about how weight loss can lower life insurance rates or for other questions about insurance in Arizona contact the April Schaffroth Farmers Insurance Agency at 602-297-5155 or at  You can learn more about Terrence Young  and his journey at